Council Votes 5-0 To Shut Down Vaunted University Of Washington Study Despite No Evidence Of Environmental Hazards UW Researchers and USS Hornet Officials Urge Reconsideration, Citing Safety, Transparency, Educational & Environmental Benefits Communication Gaps Were Key By Larry Freeman Alameda has long prided and touted itself as a ‘green,’ environmentally proactive city, with substantial policies based on new structure energy efficiency, a “Climate Action and Resiliency Plan,” an “Urban Forest Plan,” and, closer to home with respect to their Tuesday June… [READ MORE].
Monthly Archives: June 2024
2 posts
Cherished Ball Field Hosts Final Game At Special Ceremony As Wheels Of AUSD Progress Turn By Ben Wiley, ANN Student Intern and Youth Writer A Major change in the game plan has arrived for Alameda Little League (ALL) as the nonprofit program that has nurtured thousands of young baseball players aged 4-to-12 since the1980 weathers a massive shakeup from construction now underway for new Wood Middle School (WMS) and Alameda High School sports facilities. ALL’s prized Field #1, –the only… [READ MORE].