Welcome to Alameda Neighborhoods News!
We are proud to be the newest online news publication in town, grounded in ethics-based news reporting in service of the public good in Alameda.
We are proud to be the newest online news source in town. If you want more than rehashed press releases, social-media spin, and potato chip journalism, make ANN part of your news diet.
We invite you to join this special, symbiotic community venture by contributing content, subscribing/donating and spreading the word to friends and family.

Please read or listen to the following to learn more about our core mission of community service and high-quality journalism.
Listen Here:
Hello honored guest and thanks for landing here. The following will tell you a lot more about who we are and what our DNA is.
Beyond good old ‘hard news,’ we seek interesting FEATURE content, and deeply hope to have multiple members of our community provide YOUTH SPORTS as part of our menu of offerings.
You can find some samples of our PHOTO JOURNALISM products, AUDIO products and VIDEO products throughout the publication, also types we seek.
We also wish to empower the youth of our community and provide them a venue and voice in our publication.
To find out more, please visit our FREE JOURNALISM EDUCATION (FJE) and COMMUNITY SHOWCASE pages.
These special opportunities allow anyone who wants to learn to become a solid news writer, feature writer, photojournalist and so on now has a place to share their work with the public, as long as it comports with our quality and format standards.
The FJE Program will show you how to become a CERTIFIED CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (CCC) whether a youth of 10th grade level or an adult with some time at your disposal.
Students still in school may merit no cost JOURNALISM INTERNSHIPS with ANN, as well. For more details and how to apply, see our FJE page.
If, perchance, you already have experience in the world of journalism, public relations or other forms of professional outreach writing, you may already be qualified to become a CCC.
If you are interested or have questions about becoming a content provider, simply contact us at alamedaneighborhoodsnews@gmail.com, or use the “MORE” button and click CONTACT ANN in the drop down menu.
ANN exists because Alameda Needs News! And that spells A.N.N.!
ANN provides fact-centered, objective news grounded in ethics based journalism to promote the public good in Alameda.
That means we avoid ‘ agenda driven journalism.’
ANN is based on a new, visionary model that narrows the gap between news provider and news consumer.
We open the door for community members and organizations to create their own quality, standards based content for all to read, hear or see on our platform.
Consider it a shared community purpose, organic and symbiotic.
Put simply, we need folks to do more than just read or talk about the news. We need you to help compose it for publication and serve the community as part of the greater good.
ANN offers a visionary , community enriching and strengthening option , “Community Showcase. “
This unique community building feature, detailed below, is designed to provide cost- free community outreach to complement the myriad services and enterprises to which so many in our volunteer supportive community devote their time, energy and vision.
Please visit it on the homepage for more details.
Our community inclusive model is also in keeping with our Federal 501-C3 and California Public Benefit non profit standing. .
Writing fair and even-handed news requires finding the facts to let them tell the story.
It means not starting with what we envision or wish the story to be and then finding facts to bolster our notion.
To that end, we are guided by these two mottos: “Keep your politics off the page,” and “If you have an axe to grind, leave it in the garage.”
As such, at least for now, we are not engaging in social or political commentary, op-ed pieces or similar elements. We are considering the prospect of providing letters to the editor, and will update you when we have decided.
If you have any thoughts on the matter, please use our COMMUNICATE button and use the “Tell ANN” option.
ANN seeks to turn back the tide of local news sources withering away.
The passing of The Alameda Sun and the diminishing coverage of Alameda in The Alameda Journal tell of the unfortunate trend.
We bring new life, vigor and power to the local press to keep those with influence in our community: Accountable, Responsive and Transparent (ART).
We cherish the great American value of responsible free speech and an honest, fact driven free press, principles enshrined in The First Amendment.
We support the pure principles of the necessity for reason and truth to prevail in a world of free speech which, when misinformed, irresponsible and reckless becomes a menace to the public good and our Republic.
We believe in the tenets of high quality journalism whose roots lie in the wisdom of America’s Founders.
As Thomas Jefferson said, Americans need to by guided by “reason and truth. Our first object should therefore be, to leave open to him all the avenues to truth. The most effectual hitherto found, is the freedom of the press.”
We wholly endorse Benjamin Franklin’s 1737 observation from his newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette, that “Republics…derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination into the action of the magistrates.”
And that “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government, and when this support is taken away… the constitution of a free society is dissolved.”
Those words resonate with ANN’s mission to keep those who wield power and influence in our community, be they our elected officials, those in government positions, our businesses or members of our citizenry, in the public eye.
The first step towards that essential mission is to keep our public as informed as possible based on what the facts tell us. Straight up news to keep Alameda straight up aware and actively engaged.
Thanks for reading or listening to this missive and please PARTICIPATE AND TELL A FRIEND ABOUT ANN! Even better, come write with us for the betterment of all !
Our community depends on you, and so do we.
Thanks for visiting! Larry Freeman, CEO/EIC
And, once again, please keep in mind, ANN is yours and ours as well, so please support us, or better, participate in this new innovation of a journalism publication.
Who knows how good you can be as an ANN CCC?
Our board members et al :
Michael-Robles Wong – Treasurer
Rick McKinley – Secretary
Carla Garrett – Person of Record
Rich Sherratt – Inspiration Officer
Mila Robles-Wong – Our first official CCC and a “voice” of ANN.
Special thanks also to: Burney Matthews, Bill Withrow, Brian Farley, Jerry Jameson, Heather Hamman, Rich Krinks, Steve Cressy, Ron Matthews, Noah Berger, and Stan Bunger for advice and insights along the way.
Copyright © Larry Freeman/Alameda Neighborhoods News, (ANN) Nov 28 , 2023. All rights reserved. Transmission, reuse or re-publication of this webpage and its content, outside of the fair use doctrine, is prohibited unless express written consent is provided by Alameda Neighborhoods News Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Larry Freeman/ANN April 29, 2023. All rights reserved. Transmission, reuse or re-publication of this webpage and its content, outside of the fair use doctrine, is prohibited unless express written consent is provided by Alameda Neighborhoods News Inc.
As a 501 C-3 Federally designated non profit organization, and as a State Of California designated Public Benefit Corporation, the following constitute our duly authorized Conflict Of Interest Policy
Article I – Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to protect the interests of ANN by: (a) preventing the personal interest of the Board, Employees, and Independent Contractors from interfering with their duties to the organization and (b) avoiding any unethical financial, professional, or political gain on the part of such individuals. The intent of this policy is to supplement, not replace, any applicable federal, state, or local laws regarding conflicts of interest.
Article II – Persons Concerned
This statement applies to Board Members, Officers, and all Employees who can influence the governance and actions of ANN This includes anyone who makes financial decisions, might be referred to as “management personnel,” or have proprietary information regarding ANN.
Article III – Procedures
1. Duty to Disclose
Each Member, Director, Officer, Employee, and any other Interested Person is under an obligation to disclose the existence or potential existence of a Conflict of Interest as it arises.
2. Investigating Conflicts
When a potential Conflict of Interest is disclosed, the Governing Board will then provide the individual with an opportunity to disclose all material facts. The Board will collect all pertinent information and question the involved parties. If it turns out that a conflict does not exist, the inquiry will be documented but no further action will be taken.
3. Addressing a Conflict of Interest
If the Board determines that a conflict of interest exists, they will take the appropriate actions to address the conflict. This may include (but not be limited to): (a) prohibiting any Interested Parties from voting on any matter related to said Conflict of Interest or (b) terminating employment with ANN.
Affected parties both within and outside of ANN including directors and independent contractors, or volunteers will be notified. If the Conflict of Interest in question involves a member of the Board, that individual will be excused from deliberations.
4. Disciplinary Action
All conflicts of interest will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The board has full discretion to deem what disciplinary action is appropriate and necessary for disclosed conflicts of interest.
If the governing officers reasonably believe a member or staff member failed to disclose an existing or possible Conflict of Interest, it shall inform the individual of the rationale for such belief and grant the individual an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose the Conflict of Interest.
After hearing the individual’s response and investigating further as warranted by the circumstances, the governing officers may take appropriate disciplinary action, including removal from the position at the organization.
5. Notice of Annual Statements
Every Member, Director, Officer, Employee, and any other Interested Person must sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement upon said individual’s term of office, employment, or other relationship with ANN and must do so annually. Failure to sign does not nullify the policy.
Article IV – Acknowledgment
By signing, the individual named below understands what constitutes a Conflict of Interest and understands the procedure for addressing them with ANN including their duty to disclose any known or potential conflicts of interest.
All ANN Board members have provided lawful confirmation to abide by the procedures set forth by this policy for the duration of their relationship with ANN .