Volunteer Members Rally To Beat Mother Nature And Complete Recreational Structure; Commemoration This Friday
A team of Alameda Elks puts together a new recreational structure for veterans transitioning from homelessness at Dignity Village in Alameda.

By Larry Freeman

One of the Alameda Elks Lodge’s missions is to lend a hand in supporting local veterans, especially those in need of transitional housing and basic living supplies and amenities as twin-size bedding, new linens, cookware, books, board games and hygiene supplies to give folks a boost when they move into the temporary living quarters at Dignity Commons at the former Naval base. 

But this time, a hardy bunch of Elk’s, including a few  veterans themselves , with the inspiration by Stephen Giddens, II (Past Exalted Ruler) and the leadership of Elk of the Year Ken Carvalho, wanted to add something more in terms of giving transitioning vets a leg up. 

The fruits of their sweat breaking labor will be celebrated at a Dedication Ceremony, at 1:00 p.m. this  Friday, March 8th,  at Dignity Village, located at 2330 Rainbow Court at the former  Alameda Naval Air Station.

This labor of love, as is the case with so many others, was not a simple, spontaneous. “Let’s Do It” notion, as time was a factor along with red tape costs and hurdles.

From inspiration to perspiration, it took over a year to get the project completed. 

 Key steps involved getting plans drawn by local engineer Vincent Wu of Baseline Alameda, then 6 months for City permits to be approved to construct the trellis, then waiting for good weather to give the team a break so they could pour the concrete slab and build.

On Saturday, 3 February 2024, Elks assembled with their tools and strong backs ( 8×8 posts that can weigh in the neighborhood of 200 lbs don’t just get lifted easily) to build an outdoor pergola that enhances the grounds surrounding the Dignity Village living quarters and give residents an outdoor social and recreational space.  

The team, composed of Ken Carvalho, Charles Carvalho (USCG – reservist), Richard Christman, Mark Graham, Joseph LoParo (Marine) , Ken Langford (USCG – retired), & Michael “Sugi” Sugitani built while Sam Moriana, a 95 year-old Army veteran who served during the Korean war) and Rian Tiernan provided drinks and food for fuel.  

The team spent the better part of the day constructing the pergola and then came back the following weekend for a few hours to finish the project in preparation for city final inspection.

The biggest challenge was “hefts” — those 8×8 beams with cross braces attached were lifted into place and bolted to their column bases – -all hands were needed, like sailors of yesteryear to ‘heave-ho’ and  hoist the sails in group unison.

The Alameda Elks have long worked in partnership with Operation Dignity, an Oakland based group dedicated to helping un-housed single vets and couples in Alameda, Berkeley and Oakland.  

 “The vets and their families will be able to enjoy themselves, gather, build camaraderie, and have a place to barbeque and socialize as they transition off of the streets and into housing,” said Joe LoParo (Co-Chair of the Alameda Elks Veterans Committee). 

The Elks have a national pledge, said Lo Paro: “ ‘As long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.’ It’s clear that the Alameda Lodge means it! “   

For more information about the Alameda Elks Lodge, visit

Getting the concrete slab poured was a challenge given the dicey, rainy weather conditions, including two atmospheric river events which the volunteer builders had to contend with.