24 posts

Alameda Little League Says “Play Ball” for Youths with Physical and/or Intellectual Challenges

By Stephan Pippen, Alameda Little League Umpire In Chief Challenger Jamboree, aptly named for youngsters who face special life hurdles ,  brought kids to a special field of dreams on April 23, at Heather Farms in Walnut Creek. Alameda Little League, along with other Bay Area Little League programs and local partners, participated  as part Little League District 4’s  volunteer-hosted event that provides Little League Challenger Division players the experience of a baseball tournament. On top of that, the outing  gave… [READ MORE].

Pinball and Pints Pours In Fans

Alameda’s Pacific Pinball Museum tapped in to beer week Sunday, February 11 as an outpouring of beer and pinball enthusiasts packed the venue for a five hour fest. Ten Bay Area brewers provided scores of pours  at the exclusive event for well over a hundred visitors who got to test their skills on the near 100 vintage games the museum sports. This marked  PPM’s  third  foray into hosting a party where the silver ball meets the golden pour. The event… [READ MORE].

Lesson Two | Core Elements of Hard News Writing: The 5 W’s and 1 H: Part III

Hello again, and welcome back. We’ve covered most of the basics on the WHO, WHAT AND WHEN ingredients for news stories , and now it’s time for HOW!   “WHY?”  you may ask.   Good start!  WHY indeed. That’s what I’m talking about.  But WHY? Well, BECAUSE WHY is elemental to a good news story. In fact, many a news story begins with but a single question:  WHY did that happen? WHY is/isn’t  X doing something about this problem?”  To go further,… [READ MORE].

Starting Seeds Indoors

Free, 13+. Learn how to start seeds indoors using seeds from the seed lending library at the Alameda Free Library. Bring seeds to share, if you have any. Event in the Stafford Room. More info: contact Jill Russell at 510-747-7713. … Dear Visitor: Our ability to provide you and the community with the news you want depends on having your support as a subscriber. Please also support our important mission reporting, writing and shooting photos/videos for us as detailed. Thank… [READ MORE].