APD Asks Public For Help In Determining Her Full Path Of Travel
Alameda Police Lieutenant, Alan Kuboyama, provided new details, including the last spot Alameda resident Desiree “Lisa” Huey was seen before she was found dead in the waters directly under the Bay Farm Island Bridge on October 17th.
In a phone interview with Alameda Neighborhoods News, Kuboyama said that at this time, “We don’t believe there was foul play,” and that the Alameda County Coroner’s office is currently conducting a toxicology exam on Mrs. Huey’s body to hone in on the possible cause of her death.
At this time, the cause of her demise is officially deemed “undetermined” as APD’s active investigation continues. As of now, “We are not sure what happened,” said Kuboyama.
Toxicology test results, which are used to determine or rule out various causes of death, –for example, natural causes or accidental– are typically released after a six to eight week process.
In this case, that means they will likely be known around the end of the year.
Mrs. Huey’s last established whereabouts, based on video analyzed by APD investigators, showed her walking East on 10/14 from her home on the 2200 block of San Antonio Ave.
The footage puts her about four tenths of a mile away on San Jose Ave in the vicinity of Chochenyo Park at 10:44 a.m. in a probable path towards Broadway or Versailles Ave.
Where she went from there or how her body ended up in the waters of the San Leandro Channel remains a mystery.
APD is actively seeking any video the public might have in and around that area, to help them determine more about her path of travel.
A 52 year old, she was about 5’ 1 in height, weighed about 90 lbs. and wore a dark blue puffy jacket, black bell bottom style pants that covered black shoes or boots.
Kuboyama noted that APD customarily analyzes video from the various bridge cameras located at the island’s water crossings, and that Mrs. Huey’s body was initially spotted by a person on the bike bridge segment of the Harbor Bay Island Bridge on 10/17, three days after she last left home.
He stressed that the body might have initially entered the water at another location than where discovered, given the influence of winds and tides at the time, or other factors that investigators will take into account.
Kuboyama and APD wish the public to remain sensitive to the family’s loss in this tragic incident and said that, “We want to bring closure for the family in piecing together the timeline.”
Anyone in the community who might have further evidence of Mrs. Huey’s whereabouts on or after 10:44 a.m. near Chochenyo Park on 10/14 should contact APD at 510-337-8340.