Teen Center Key Part Of Club’s Teen Education Program
By Ana, 13

As a thirteen year old member of the Alameda Boys & Girls Club, I have had the good fortune to have a place with my friends to finish our homework and collaborate on class projects.
But there is also more learning to be had for us teens. We are able to chat with friends for real, face to face personal connecting and get advice and guidance from the teen center staff, folks who know more than we do, but still get us.
And what is really so important and special about it is that The Teen Center and Club provides me and my friends with learning opportunities that we don’t have at our high schools.
The staff provides workshops on personal health and well-being, future education ideas , teen-related issues, and my favorite: “Adulting 101”, where I learn about budgeting, what and how insurance works, and other great tips to prepare me for adulthood.
We also have a “Diplomas to Degrees” program that just started to help us learn about college and prepare us for the application process.
The program of The Teen Center itself is great, but the actual room isn’t so great.
The teen center hasn’t been remodeled since its opening in 2011. It really needs a makeover. Our furniture is mismatched, and over the years we have received a hodge-podge of donated items that are no longer comfortable or conducive for learning.

The Alameda Boys & Girls Club is set to serve 500 teens next year. With your support, we can transform our dedicated space to one we love, and one we will flourish in.
We have made the following estimates to bring it new life: furniture: $95,000;
Artwork and Decorations: $15,000 and Paint and Flooring: $15,000
Our goal is to raise $100,000 help cover costs to create Our Dream Teen Room. Would you consider helping us with a donation to help us achieve our dream? If you would like to donate or want find out more about the project please click on this link: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/alameda-boys-and-girls-club-inc/my-dream-teen-room-451bd394-5782-402a-b5b5-890ab8c00527
On behalf of my friends and all the teens at the Club, I want to thank you for reading my article
EDITOR’S NOTE Commendations to Ana for writing her first journalism article and for contributing the first piece written as part of ANN’s YOUTH VOICE program.
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